A man seated outside in a garden, in front of him is a small bush. He is smiling.

Gavin Lilley: International Sign Workshop for BSL/English Interpreters

Hosted in: BSL & IS
Price: £30


Gavin Lilley will lead this exclusive workshop on international sign language. 

Covering how to communicate with foreign sign language users, this session will explore the concept of international signing and how best to achieve cross-cultural communication. Examining linguistic similarities between international sign languages, including grammatical structures, Gavin will help to identify a path towards a shared comprehension between sign users. 

Discussing barriers and cultural differences that may hinder communication and finding solutions to overcome these in favour of a more widely understood mode of signed dialogue. 

Book Now 

The event is finished.




13:00 - 16:00


Deaf Action – Brennan’s Library

Edinburgh Deaf Festival is brought to you by Deaf Action. Registered Company Number SC396876. Registered Charity SC009898. Registered address, 49 Albany Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3QY.

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Email: festival@deafaction.org

Tel: 0131 556 3128

WhatsApp (text or video call): 07775 620 757